Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mild to moderate acne

« ...It is important to keep your back free from sweat, which can aggravate pimples. You may also want to use a body wash, which is specifically made for acne. You can find many body washes on the market today that have acne medication included in the wash. Usually you will find that the medication is either Benzoyl Peroxide or Sacillyc Acid. Both of have been effective for fighting pimples....
...Rosacea is not that uncommon, one in every twenty adults have it. Northern europeans, the english, the scottish, eastern european, especially bolnd haired and fair-skinned, have a higher history of rosacea in their families. It's most common to females between twenty and sixty years of age....»
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«...An example of one home remedy is using Tea Tree Oil. This is said to be as effective as benzoly peroxide however it may take longer to achieve results. You can get tea tree oil in a face wash. For the most effective results boil some water and steam you face then apply the face wash and pat dry....»
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tags: second month of pregnancy gas cramps acne, acne body wash review, easy ways to get rid of teenage acne

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