Monday, August 4, 2008

Does strivectin sd work for acne scars and does eating chocolate cause acne

Well you treat it like you would with acne on your face, only you can be more aggressive with your treatments. You can use over a 5% peroxide cream on your back, unlike your face, but it's recommended you don't use one that is over 7%. The key to treating back acne is consistently. Find a method that you know can help improve your back acne, then stick with it until you see an improvement in your back acne. If it's a great improvement then stick with this method, until your completely free of back acne. Personally I find the best natural solution to use for back acne, is getting someone to massage you with potatoes! I know that sounds completely crazy but hear me out, potatoes have been proven to help acne, it helps break down bacteria of acne, and the properties of the potato give your skin a more of a healthy look, as well as acting as an exfoiliater.
Prevention and Maintenance of Remission in Inflammatory AcneSome dermatologists put very young patients with comedonal acne on a regimen of a mild topical retinoid to squelch microcomedones and prevent their development into inflammatory lesions.After successful acne treatment, Dr Millikan likes to maintain remission with topical retinoid therapy.In addition to maintaining clear skin, the topical retinoids can also slow photoaging and therefore may be used throughout adulthood.
Acne treatment generally requires the following basic guidelines. First is for people to limit washing the face to two or three times a day. Over washing will all the more cause your skin to produce more oil. Avoid heavy cleansing creams. Never wash your face with harsh soaps or cleansers. It would be better to use purse soap with no artificial additives. An antibacterial cleansing solution or lightly medicated soap combined with water rich in minerals is good for your skin type.
tags: if i do number 2 will my acne go away, how does spironolactone help acne, how to prevent acne with tea tree oil

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